Sunday, April 24, 2011

We Don't Need Another Politician

What America needs now is leaders!

Politicians point to all of the wonderful things they are doing for everyone today, while hiding the fact that they are mortgaging our future and the future of our children and grandchildren.

Leaders take a hard look at the current position of the United States and determine that they are going to do their part to fix her problems, not pass them on for their predecessors.

Politicians want you to believe that they are doing you a favor so that you will elect them to another term.  It doesn't matter teo them what facts they hide, or how radically they color the truth.  From the day of their election, their main focus is the next election cycle, and how they will come out on top.

Leaders are not afraid to tell America the truth.  We truly are in a crisis, and every day that we fail to deal with it, we make it harder to deal with in the future.  For every day we delay, the choices we ultimately make will be more painful, until the day comes when we no longer have a choice.  Leaders do not try to hide these facts, nor do they avoid dealing with them head on.

Politicians make choices for the good of their career as politicians.

Leaders make choices for the good of America and Americans.

Lets kick the politicians out of office in 2012 and elect the leaders that America deserves.

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