Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Revolution Begins In The Home

(I originally posted this 1 year ago on my Wordpress blog)

Today, April 22, 2010, I, John Constitution, signed my personal Declaration of Independence!
I have been a registered Republican ever since I first registered to vote in 1972.  For many years I voted along party lines and was always proud when a Republican was elected over a Democrat.  But for quite a few years now, I have found myself voting for the Republican candidate, not because they represented my beliefs, but because they were the lesser of the two evils.  Have you ever felt that way too?
Once in a long while, I would vote for a third-party candidate who I felt represented my views better, but I always believed that to vote for a third-party was to throw away a vote, or worse, to make it easier for the opposition to win.  Therefore, I saw my occasional third-party vote more as a protest vote than anything meaningful.
So, like so many people of many political persuasions, I usually went to the polls, held my nose, and voted along party lines, knowing full well that my vote made precious little difference as far as the direction of the country was concerned.  Our nation, with both Democrat and Republican majorities, has been tending towards, bigger, more intrusive government for decades.
But, I’m rambling, sorry.
Today, I officially changed my voter registration from the Republican Party to the Constitution Party.  That is what I meant when I said that I signed my personal Declaration of Independence today.
I vow today, never again will I throw my vote away by voting for a candidate that does not represent my views.
I vow today,  never again to believe the lie that a vote for a third-party is a vote for the opposition.
I know, if I’m the only one doing this, then my vote is truly wasted, but at least I will have voted my conscience.  But, what if everyone did it?  What if everyone took the time to learn about those who are running for office, and everyone voted for that candidate who best represented their views rather than voting for the candidate with the proper letter next to their name?
If that happened, then we really would have a revolution in this country!  We would finally break the iron grip of the two-party monopoly, or, duopoly,  that has been threatening our freedom for many years now.
Won’t you join me?  Won’t you declare your independence?  Today?

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