Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Republican vs. Democrat Illusion

The divide between Republican and Democrat really is only an illusion.  Think about it: We all know the Democrats stand for big government.  We have seen the growing deficits, etc.  We all know the drill.

But, if you look at the Republicans honestly, they are no better.  President Bush lowered taxes, and, as expected, saw an increase in tax revenues.  So, under Bush, since the Republicans stand for smaller, limited, government, we saw the deficits shrink, as, not only did we increase tax revenues, but programs were cut as well.  Right?

Sadly, no.  President Bush, with a Republican majority in Congress, increased, rather than decreased deficits and the size of government.

I like this post by Poli-Tea.  I think it illustrates the situation very well.

The sad truth is, as long as the Republicans and Democrats are the only game in town, we are doomed to bigger and more unwieldy and intrusive government, and ever mounting debt levels.  Levels of debt that will eventually crush this Republic under its mounting weight.

Republicans and Democrats don't hold the answers to America's problems.  They ARE the problem.  America's answers are to be found with We The People.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Two Party System Is Killing America

(Originally posted 12 months ago as "Will America Survive The Two Party System?")
In the 15 months since the Obama regime was established, we have seen very well what the far left has in store for America.  Not only is Obama and his cohort not following the Constitution, they are attempting at every turn to make our Constitution irrelevant.
I won’t bother to go through the litany of excesses of the Obama administration, I’m sure you’ve all read it many times.  I won’t attempt to list the number of times that Obama or the Congress have thumbed their noses at our Constitution, I’m sure you’re all angered and sickened by it, and yes, probably more than a little concerned, or even frightened by it as well.  I know I am!
To say that we must vote these socialists out of office in November goes without saying.  I’m sure there is no question in your mind that Obama must be a one term president if America is to survive as a Constitutional Republic.
If the Obama crowd is voted out though, who will be voted in?  Surely, if we can get the socialists out and get some good Republicans to replace them, all will be well,  right?
To be honest, I’m not so sure.
Remember, the first bailout in 2008 (The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, $700 billion worth) was signed into law by then president Bush.
True, after 9/11, Bush faced some unique challenges, but the fact is, he signed every budget handed to him by both Republican and Democrat congresses.  Each of those budgets increased deficits substantially.
Bush signed the “No Child Left Behind” education bill as well as the Medicare Prescription Drug bill, one of the largest entitlements ever signed into law.  Both of these bills were given to the president for his signature by congresses with Republican majorities.
With the recent passage of Obama’s healthcare bill, there was a huge outcry from the GOP to repeal the bill.  That is, until the “cooler heads” of the party began to reassert themselves.  (see The American Spectator, Republicans Against Repeal)
Now, apparently, the GOP sees that Obama’s healthcare reform actually has some good aspects.
So, the question I have been asking myself recently is, if our choices in November, and in 2012, and into the future are Republican or Democrat, will America survive as a Constitutional Republic?
The best answer I have been able to come up with is, we will survive somewhat longer with Republican administrations than Democrat, but, sadly, in my opinion, the bottom line answer is, no, we will not survive.
Whether quickly or slowly, we are all being enslaved by our government.  No longer a government by the people, it is moving toward its own ends without the consent of the governed, without the consent of “We The People”.
My wish for America is the same as that of President Lincoln,
…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Is it time for Americans to reject the current political power structure and form a new party?  A party, of the people, by the people, and for the people?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Revolution Begins In The Home

(I originally posted this 1 year ago on my Wordpress blog)

Today, April 22, 2010, I, John Constitution, signed my personal Declaration of Independence!
I have been a registered Republican ever since I first registered to vote in 1972.  For many years I voted along party lines and was always proud when a Republican was elected over a Democrat.  But for quite a few years now, I have found myself voting for the Republican candidate, not because they represented my beliefs, but because they were the lesser of the two evils.  Have you ever felt that way too?
Once in a long while, I would vote for a third-party candidate who I felt represented my views better, but I always believed that to vote for a third-party was to throw away a vote, or worse, to make it easier for the opposition to win.  Therefore, I saw my occasional third-party vote more as a protest vote than anything meaningful.
So, like so many people of many political persuasions, I usually went to the polls, held my nose, and voted along party lines, knowing full well that my vote made precious little difference as far as the direction of the country was concerned.  Our nation, with both Democrat and Republican majorities, has been tending towards, bigger, more intrusive government for decades.
But, I’m rambling, sorry.
Today, I officially changed my voter registration from the Republican Party to the Constitution Party.  That is what I meant when I said that I signed my personal Declaration of Independence today.
I vow today, never again will I throw my vote away by voting for a candidate that does not represent my views.
I vow today,  never again to believe the lie that a vote for a third-party is a vote for the opposition.
I know, if I’m the only one doing this, then my vote is truly wasted, but at least I will have voted my conscience.  But, what if everyone did it?  What if everyone took the time to learn about those who are running for office, and everyone voted for that candidate who best represented their views rather than voting for the candidate with the proper letter next to their name?
If that happened, then we really would have a revolution in this country!  We would finally break the iron grip of the two-party monopoly, or, duopoly,  that has been threatening our freedom for many years now.
Won’t you join me?  Won’t you declare your independence?  Today?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We Don't Need Another Politician

What America needs now is leaders!

Politicians point to all of the wonderful things they are doing for everyone today, while hiding the fact that they are mortgaging our future and the future of our children and grandchildren.

Leaders take a hard look at the current position of the United States and determine that they are going to do their part to fix her problems, not pass them on for their predecessors.

Politicians want you to believe that they are doing you a favor so that you will elect them to another term.  It doesn't matter teo them what facts they hide, or how radically they color the truth.  From the day of their election, their main focus is the next election cycle, and how they will come out on top.

Leaders are not afraid to tell America the truth.  We truly are in a crisis, and every day that we fail to deal with it, we make it harder to deal with in the future.  For every day we delay, the choices we ultimately make will be more painful, until the day comes when we no longer have a choice.  Leaders do not try to hide these facts, nor do they avoid dealing with them head on.

Politicians make choices for the good of their career as politicians.

Leaders make choices for the good of America and Americans.

Lets kick the politicians out of office in 2012 and elect the leaders that America deserves.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why "The Final Countdown"?

So, the reason I called this blog "The Final Countdown is because of something that Walter Williams said recently.  Basically, he stated that he believed it may already be too late for America.  He believes it is possible the socialists have already won, that their power is already too well entrenched for conservatives to ever reverse what has become a very troubling trend in America, a trend that is accelerating.

To some extent, I agree with Walter Williams.  Like most conservatives, I believe that our Constitutional Republic, fought and died for by our forefathers, is in grave danger of being overwhelmed by socialist forces, but I don't believe that we have already passed the tipping point beyond which there will be no returning to a constitutional government.

I do believe that time is very short. If we don't manage to gain strong conservative, not Republican, conservative, majorities in both houses and the presidency within two, or at most three, election cycles, it will, in all likelihood, be too late.

But it might be as little as one cycle.  If we do not succeed in 2012, it may indeed be too late, so we can ill afford to spare any effort in brining these things to pass.

When I hear that the government is paying out to individuals and families more that it receives in tax revenues, it scares me to death.  When I hear that there are nearly twice as many government jobs in the U.S. as manufacturing jobs, it scares me to death.  And, when I read that nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes at all, it scares me to death, as it should scare any conservative who loves the country he or she grew up in, and not the unrecognizable monstrosity it is being transformed into by the current occupant of the White House and his cronies.

I believe that we are at a crossroads in this nation.  We can either sit back and let things continue until the U.S. is indistinguishable from one of the European socialist nations, or, we can do what must be done, quickly

In closing, I would like to quote Ronald Reagan as he talks about what is truly as stake should we fail:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
    --  Ronald Reagan